RU-825PP is provided for operation in metro depot traction network as contact rails supply circuits switching device. RU-825PP is produced in a form of metal two-sectional double-side serviced cabinet. One EDT 4000 type disconnector with visible double break is installed in the right section.
Busbar for cables connection is in the left section. The cabinet has key-locked doors. The right section door is equipped with an overview window for disconnector contacts position observation. The disconnector is installed in the rear of the cabinet; the manual drive is in front.
The front and rear parts of cabinet are divided with a panel with an overview window. Disconnector drive axis is controlled from the gearbox. The cabinet is installed on the basis. Up to 6 cables with 625 mm2 section can be connected to disconnector input busbar. The cables are input in the cabinet from below or from the top through pressure seales. Output busbar for connection with contact rail is led out from behind the cabinet.
DC double-pole disconnector, type ЕDT 4000, is a power switching device. The disconnector is used for connection and disconnection of plus 825 V circuits in metro depot traction network contact rails supply circuit. The disconnector is controlled with a gearbox on the assumption of no-load. The gearbox handle has fixed extreme positions.
The disconnector closing (opening) is done by the gearbox handle switching to position «Disconnector On» («Disconnector Off»). The disconnector position (On – Off) is determined through the overview windows by the position of contact fingers.
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