RU-825SR sectioning switchgear with disconnectors are provided for operation in traction network of metro depot as 825 V supply circuit switching devices. The switchgear provides switching of 825 V supply line with 4000 А rated current.
RU-825SR is produced as one-side serviced metal cabinet, divided into two compartments: a compartment of disconnector for plus 825 V circuit and a compartment of disconnector for minus 825 V circuit.
Each compartment is locked with a separate door, and equipped with an overview window for disconnector position defining.
Gearbox control lever is located behind the door of compartment of disconnector for plus 825 V circuit. Overview windows are also in side walls of compartments.
The cabinet is installed on a foundation. Disconnectors drive axes are interlocked in one gearbox, it provides the possibility of disconnectors control from one manual drive.
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