PLUTON took part in the meeting of electric power supply committee of Chamber of Commerce Urban Transport in Poland More details
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Blowers automatic control system cabinet SHSAUV

Name of parameter Unit Value
Three-phase input supply voltage (Uin), with earthed or insulated neutral V 380 +10/-15 %
Input voltage frequency Hz 50(60) ± 2 %
Network connection periodicity - once per minute or less
Three-phase rated output voltage (Urat) V 380 ± 2 %, but no more than Uin
Output voltage rated frequency (Frat) Hz 50 ± 1 %
Rated power (Рrat) of controlled blowers kW 1.5 … 160
Current overload 1.1 Irat — 1 min per 10 min
Range of output voltage regulation V 0 — Uin
Range of output frequency regulation Hz 0.5 — 50 (60)
Efficiency coefficient, min. 0.95
Network current harmonic distortion factor, maximum % 5
Protection level acc. to IEC 60529 IP 54
Lifetime, minimum years 15
Mean time to recover, max. min. 40
Interference resistance meets all standards 

 Technical parameters of cabinet control system pumping units ShSAU-NU

Name of parameter Unit Value
Input power voltage (Uin) V 380 +10/-15 %
Input voltage frequency Hz 50 ± 2 %
Network connection periodicity times/min Once per minute or less
Three-phase rated output voltage (Urat) V 380 ± 2 %, but no more than Uin
Output voltage rated frequency (Frat) Hz 50 ± 1 %
Controlled pump motor rated power (Рrat) kW 1.5 … 160
Current overload 1.1 Irat – 1 min per 10 min
Range of output voltage regulation V 0 – Uin
Range of output frequency regulation Hz 0.5 – 50
Efficiency coefficient, minimum 0.95
Nonlinear network current distortions coefficient, max. % 5
Protection level acc. to GOST 14254-96 IP 54
Lifetime, minimum years 15
Mean recovery time, max. min. 40
Interference resistance - meets all standards requirements