PLUTON took part in the meeting of electric power supply committee of Chamber of Commerce Urban Transport in Poland More details
Poland |en
Name of parameters Unit of measurement Value  
Type of regenerator - I-PTE-
Rated output voltage kV 6,3, 10, 35 (±10 %) 
Output voltage frequency Hz 50 (60) ±1  
Number of output voltage phases  - 3  
Number of inputs - 1  
Operation mode - Intermittent S3,  RC = 40 % 
Rated input voltage V 825 (750)  
Regeneration setting adjustment range V 810…950 (725...850) 
Rated inverted current А 800 1600 3200
Maximum ratio of current overload  - 1.5  
Overload time s 30
1 time per 10 min, wherein current RMS value
for each 15 min should not exceed rated current value  
Type of cooling - Natural or air combined*  
Efficiency coefficient, minimum % 96  

* - cooling method, which uses natural air cooling of thyristors, and the installed in sections
fans switch on automatically for a short time, when temperature rises to the set level, and switch off when the temperature decreases.