PLUTON took part in the meeting of electric power supply committee of Chamber of Commerce Urban Transport in Poland More details
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New tramline, Vinnytsya (Ukraine)

Works performed

Turn-key project: supply of two-unit modular traction substation, installation, commissioning, start-up.


Traction substation TS-19

Works performed

Supply of equipment, commissioning, startup


Traction substation

Works performed

Retrofit of 2 DC cubicles 600 V with replacement of high-speed circuit breaker. Supply of equipment:

  • automatic current-limiting circuit breaker — 2 units.

On December 19, 2014, new 1,13 km tram line was started in Vinnytsya. The line connected two main transport lines of the city — Keletska street and Khmelnytskyi highway. Implementation of this project allowed improving of Vyshenka microdistrict transportation.

PLUTON maintenance-free two-unit modular substation was installed for providing reliable and uninterrupted power supply of the new tram line. PLUTON experts carried out substation installation, commissioning and start-up. Modular substation is unique and developed with application of innovative technical solutions, intended to reduce significantly substation maintenance costs and increase equipment lifetime.

Modular substation included the following equipment:

  • module — 2 units;
  • switchgear 6 KV series NEX — 2 sets;
  • traction transformer — 2 sets;
  • rectifier — 2 units ;
  • DC switchgear 600 V — 6 units;
  • auxiliaries equipment — 1 set;
    - auxiliaries transformer — 2 units;
    - auxiliaries cabinet — 1 unit;
  • remote control equipment— 1 set.

Modular substation is equipped with lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, heating systems, intruder and fire alarm signaling. New modular substation control doesn’t involve maintenance personnel presence, substation operates in automatic mode. Substation remote control is possible via fiber-optic communication channel from control operator room.

In 2018 PLUTON carried out project on reconstruction of traction substation №19. Single-unit substation was fully equipped with the following PLUTON equipment:
  • rectifier — 1 unit;
  • DC switchgear 600 V — 6 units;
  • auxiliaries cabinet SHSN — 1 unit;
  • operating current cabinet SHOT1M — 1 unit;
  • combined protection cabinet SHKZ — 1 unit.

In 2019 PLUTON successfully carried out retrofit of 2 DC cubicles 600 V with replacement of high-speed circuit
breaker. Supply included the following equipment:

  • automatic current-limiting circuit breaker — 2 units.