Due to many years of experience in electrotechnical field, PLUTON offers a wide range of modern rectifiers with application of the latest technological global achievements. This applies the cabinet design solutions, rectifier power part, software, rectifier protection, diagnostics and control systems, diagnostics of converter transformer, electrical installation, maintenance and repair technologies.
Pill power diodes of 25-26th class for current of 2500...3000 A are applied in the rectifiers. Two diodes are connected in series in each arm of rectifier providing high reliability and long operation life in "diode-diode" circuit rectifiers. The current is force-divided between parallel branches by means of effective magnetic dividers providing division of current between parallel branches not worse than 5%.
Power semiconductor devices are protected against internal and external switching surges with RC-circuits and varistors in “diode-diode” circuit rectifiers. A damping capacitor is installed parallel to each power diode for surge protection in "diode-fuse" rectifier. The rectifier is protected with RC-filter (on DC side) against overvoltages from traction side and with varistor panel from power supply side.
Rectifier are designed to withstand external short circuit without damages up to MV circuit breaker tripping. In “diode-diode” rectifier reach-through breakdown is excluded due to installation of two diodes in series into arms. In “diode-fuse” rectifier protection against internal short circuits is carried out due to power fuses, installed in series with each diode. Rectifiers are produced for various semiconductor devices failure modes (T, F and R modes) according to EN 50328.
Withdrawable and fixed rectifiers are equipped with microprocessor control and diagnostics system with displaying information about state of each diode on the visualization panel according to the following criteria: “normal operation”, “parameters derating” (for “diode-diode” design), “breakdown”, as well as about the diode temperature. Control system is carried out on the basis of SOTA controller, that meets IEC 61131 series of standards for PLC, and provides support of IEC 61850 protocol.
Monitoring of each diode parameters is carried out continuously during operation of the rectifier. Diagnostics according to the specified criteria allows significantly increasing failure-free operation of the rectifier. In case of diode parameters changing to critical for this circuit level, the power diode should be replaced without its breakdown. In case of one diode breakdown, the “diode-diode” rectifier continues its operation without power loss till replacement of the broken diode.
Information about state of the rectifier and its components is displayed on visualization panel, mobile devices (smartphone, tablet) or on the computer display via Web interface or special software. Mnemonic symbols of rectifier diodes, graphs of reverse voltage distribution between diodes and arms temperature is displayed. The communication with the MV switchgears protection devises and the upper level SCADA system is implemented in the rectifier.
We offer a new development — highly reliable withdrawable rectifiers providing compactness, simplicity and ease of maintenance. Withdrawable rectifiers include fixed cabinet and withdrawable power unit connected by contacts system.
Modern dry transformers with RESIBLOC® windings, capacity from 630 kVA, with various combinations of high (HV) and low (LV) voltages are supplied as traction transformer. Transformers have original design of HV and LV windings made of wire and foil. Windings are shrouded with epoxy-impregnated fiberglass string.
Rectifiers are manufactured both for indoor and outdoor arrangement. In case of outdoor arrangement control and diagnostic system is located separately and installed indoors or in a cabinet with regulated environment.
Rectifiers are manufactured with air natural and forced cooling. Forced air cooling is actually combined natural air and forced air cooling. Rectifier operates with natural cooling under loads lower or close to rated ones. In case of risk of overheating under overloads, fans are switched on and forcedly cool diodes. Fans switch off automatically in a period of time after overload disappearance.
Please, contact us in case you have any technical queries, requests regarding customized procurement or delivery time of equipment